How to visit Madrid, the Spain capital

madrid spainMadrid is the capital of Spain. It is the capital of the Autonomous Community of Madrid.

Madrid is the largest city in Spain. The original small town of Castile, the central region of Spain, it has gradually become capital of the Spanish kingdom.

Madrid is a bustling city by excellence, the great university attracts a large number of students who enliven the city throughout the year. Restaurants, bars, and nightclubs abound and it is not uncommon to see traffic on the Gran Vía at three in the morning.

Finally, it is also important to remember about Madrid is its climate as the spanish say “nueve meses de invierno, tres meses of infierno” (nine months of winter, three months of hell).

In fact, the average winter temperature is 5 ° and it can reach over 40 degrees in the summer, in a very dry climate. And summer in Madrid is difficult to bear.

Madrid is not only the capital of Spain, it is also the largest and most populous city in the country (nearly 4 million).It’s very difficult to drive in madrid but if you want to go out of the city you should try to find car hire Madrid.

As host of the World Tourism Organization place, we understand immediately that promises to stay in Madrid full of beautiful things!

The city of Madrid was indeed founded in the late ninth century by the Emir Mohammed I. To protect Toledo, city of royal court-hence the nickname of the city “City of Kings” – it will be conquered by the Christians in the eleventh century. But unlike many Spanish cities which will fragmented struggles between Arabs and Christians, both communities manage to live together, creating the special atmosphere which now attracts an international crowd amazing Madrid.

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City of Kings has since ceased to be the heart of the history of Europe: dramatic growth of the city under the Hapsburgs, Bourbons reign, civil war, Franco dictatorship … Madrid has always been a city booming!

As well tell you right now: the heart of Madrid beats so rampant, there is always a story to discover an amazing place hidden in the corners of the city, an unexpected night in bars with incredible atmosphere and wonderful encounters in the streets of the proud city.