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Poland put on football euro 2012 to attract tourists

Euro 2012 begins on Friday with the opening match between Poland and Greece played in the brand new National Stadium in Warsaw. Since June 2011 until the end of the tournament in early July, the communication operation “Poland is changing its image. Move your imagination “aims tourism markets French, English and German. Unlike its Ukrainian partner, entangled in the difficulties of a political, economic, security, or organizational, Poland did not wait for the competition to try to seize this great opportunity and launch a communication campaign to promote its image foreign tourists.

“We targeted these three countries primarily by asking ourselves the question: what to do to improve the image of Poland? “Said Elzbieta Janik, head of communications at the Polish Office of Tourism of Paris. Between 2008 and 2010, 225,000 French tourists visited the country. The campaign goes beyond the framework of Euro 2012 and aims to highlight the tourist attractions of the country. “The campaign, very general, conducted with EU funds, is the opportunity to present the various attractions of Poland. We address a wide variety of tourists. This objective is symbolized by the diffusion of selected clips where travelers about their experiences, their visit cities, or the nature of their sport, “says Elzbieta Janik.

Culture, business, active tourism, sport and nature are thus highlighted, in particular through a spot forty-five seconds titled “Welcome”, the text is read by actor Franco-Polish boarder of the Comédie-French Andrzej Seweryn. Four films for the Internet cover the various tourism products on offer. The press has also been used, like the Paris metro, where during the months of March, April and June, small posters are visible in the cars.

While Poland enjoys a positive image in the European media, the difficulties of his partner in organizing the competition abound. Ukraine is undergoing a difficult period with the question of the boycott policy decided by many countries to protest the treatment inflicted on the opponent Yulia Tymoshenko. The exponential increase in hotel prices, the bombing that took place in April and Dnepropetrovsk is about thirty wounded, delays in infrastructure … all of which severely tarnish the reputation of Kiev. But these challenges are they likely to in turn reach the Polish co-organizer? “We ask ourselves the obvious question. It is certain that there are two organizers and it is impossible to disentangle. We hope that there will be no fillings, wishes Elzbieta Janik, adding: This morning I listened to RTL journalist and evoked the Euro 2012 which starts June 8 in Ukraine … ”

Only the smooth running of the event will clarify the situation. Poland will not stop certainly not in so good way and hope for a long time surfing on the wave of football. “We are in discussion to continue and even expand the campaign to other markets,” says the communication specialist. Poland to conquer all markets, even that of the disk. The Polish official anthem for Euro 2012 shows. Viewers and listeners of the Polish Public Television and Radio Zet have a very special musical taste or biting irony, since it is they who chose Koko Koko Spoko Euro, played by Jarzebina, a group of eight singers aged 33 to 82 years.

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